Character development

This is a personal character development project I've been working on for my sisters Hippy garden Party. I began doing rough sketches of characters and eventually settled on a character and layout that fitted. I then traced the image and outlined it with coloured ink:

I then scanned this image into Photoshop and manipulated it until I was happy with the colour scheme and type:

Here are some images from my sketchbook, of characters and doodles during the decision making process. I often prefer the sketchy images I do early on in a brief.

Alice in Wonderland characters:
Finished Alice and Cheshire cat characters:

Eastpak promo character designs. I wanted a character that had evolved a natural protection against the elements and a snail seemed appropriate:

Final Character in storyboard:
E4 Monday Night Movies characters. They began as people and then to avoid too much stereotyping I decided to change them into animals, rabbits to be specific:

Final character designs in concept:

Line drawings of characters for Anorak Christmas cover design:

Final cover design for Christmas edition competition 2008:

Some of my original character designs for an animation i did about when my nan and granddad met. I began drawing older people at first then I changed the narrative and began drawing my grandparents as they were young:

Final character designs for animation: