Monday 13 December 2010

Commission Time!

I'm happy to announce that I've won my first public art commission. As part of Liverpool Discovers  (an artist trail across Liverpool) showcasing Liverpool greats, I've been commissioned to create an image of Willy Russell to be part of the public exhibition. So, December proves to be a busy month of painting the portrait and getting my website up and running again in time for the exhibition in February 2011. I will keep you posted on when the exhibition is and hopefully you'll come along!

Tuesday 26 October 2010

Clove Hitch Craft Fair 17th October 2010

Well, it's been a while since I last posted on my Blog, as I have been quite busy lately doing bits and bobs of freelance work.  I've also turned my hand to textiles lately too. I began to make a little things from recycled materials, just to see what they would look like. I was happy with the result. I then thought..'Hmmmm, other people might like to buy these'. So I've been building up a stock of plushies, xmas decorations and purses. I've got a few other little ideas to develop also.

My good friend Becka Griffin is a veteran craft fairer, and persuaded me to get involved in the clove hitch craft fair. So I said 'Yes' and began a production line in my house. Sewing and sewing and getting various members of the family involved in cutting out and stuffing etc. I even taught my mum to sew so she could help out.

Above are some of the decorations I made to sell at the craft fair. I was aiming to make at least 2 an hour but at first it was more like 1 an hour. Once I got into the perpetual sewing motion, I was a lot faster at producing them. 

I've learnt a lot about doing craft fairs from seeing how professional the other stalls were, and how slap dash mine was. I still managed to make £30 profit, which I'm told is ok for a first fair. I know now what i'd do differently. Presentation is everything! You could have the most fantastic product, but if it's displayed in a crappy way, no-one will want to buy it. I'm a lot more prepared for the next fair which will be on 4th of December in a local school. I'll update the blog with details if anyone's interested in coming along. 

Wednesday 9 June 2010


Well, my academic hurdle has come to a close, and I can happily say I am now the proud owner of a 2:1 BA Hons in Graphic Arts (Animation). What a relief after the months prior to hand in, when the house was burgled and all of my hard work was taken with my Macbook.

The degree show went very smoothly, and resulted in taking advantage of the extremely cheap wine. It was call for celebration and that is exactly what I did. Now is the next chapter of my life as a struggling Illustrator/Animator haha. I'm not quite at the Withnail & I poverish stage yet. Here's to making it!

Tuesday 25 May 2010

OMG! Uni is nearly over

Ok, so it's been a journey, and epic journey to say the least. After 2 years of study prior to University, 3 years later I working on the finishing touches toward our Graphic Arts Degree show. On Thursday, I will get my grade, along with 1 thousand other Art and Design students at the faculty. Hopefully the show will develop some interest from clients. Now, it's time to get out there and spread the word and hope for some interest. I will be posting photographs from the show and some of the work exhibited. Heres to the will be bright.

Wednesday 28 April 2010


You know....there is never a good time to have your house burgled, but... one week before all of your Uni work has to be handed in, is most definitely the worst time! On saturday 24th April, my house was broken into and camera and macbook were stolen. I was more bothered about the 6 months of my life poured into making my animation (final piece for 3rd year), along with all of the time i had spent talking about my work to other people and prioritising it! What a waste of time. Fortunately for me, i backed some of the work up on my external hard drive after being prompted to do so after three people in uni had issues with their hard drives and lost all of their work. Even so, i still have to redo some of the work which was due for submission. The show must go on!

Sunday 4 April 2010

Hey Bloggers!

This is my new blog. I will be regularly updating the home page with up and coming creative ventures and ideas. Basically the home page will be used to update you all on what i've been up to, what interests me lately and what i plan to do in the near future. So know you want to haha.