Sunday 21 October 2007

text to accompany the Light Bulb painting.

This is the second painting i did, afte Ann Bukantas at the Walker Art Gallery said that "ave where's my undies" wasn't acceptable to be temporarily displayed. She said that due to copyright laws and the impression that David Hockney's studio want to portray the image may be classed as offensive. I thought it was quite funny and if i was Banksy i would have ignored these statements and probably would have put the painting up anyway. In this case i am trying to do Banksy the legal way, which in some ways is more difficult as there are so many restictions that i must obide by. I have began my journey legitimately and must continue my project in this way.

Wednesday 17 October 2007

"Dave Where's my Undies"

"Dave Where's My Undies?" is a mock of the David Hockney painting "Peter getting out of Nick's pool" painted by Hockney in 1966. This painting is in the Modern Art section of the Walker art gallery. My contact at the gallery has allowed me to put it up on the wall temporarily in the same room as the Hockney painting. As you can see the lightbulb represents the figures instant thought about where his underpants are. It's not an exact pastiche of the original painting as i've cropped the image and i've also (puposely) missed out the garden chair which would feature on the left of the figure. This is so the focus is on the figure alone. I will be putting this painting up at the Walker Art Gallery on Friday 19th October and videoing the viewers reactions to it.

Tuesday 16 October 2007

Email Back from Ann Bukantas (walker art Gallery)

Dear Sarah,

I have spoken to colleagues about your proposed project. In theory we are OK about you doing this but these are the restrictions within which you would have to work with regard to the filming:

The camera would have to be a hand-held and not a tripod camera (otherwise you would have to be supervised by a member of our press team) and there can be no trailing wires etc.
The film could not be for public broadcast.
Any (adult) members of the public you wanted to film would have to be asked for permission and made fully aware that you were filming them.
Any children you wished to film: you would have to have consent from their parent or guardian, and they would have to be accompanied by an adult. You would not be able to film unaccompanied children.

You have not mentioned where in the modern galleries you would wish to place the work – is there a particular place you had in mind (eg a gap you have your eye on)?

I would also need to see a copy of the text you plan to put up, in advance.

I’d also need the proposed date and time you plan to come in so that I can notify our security staff.

Once I have this info from you, I can give you final consent and notify staff here.
Sorry if this appears very restrictive – we do want to help you!

Look forward to hearing from you.

Wednesday 10 October 2007

Banksy museum video

email to Walker Art Gallery

My Name is Sarah Broadfoot (Broady) and I’m studying Graphic Arts at Liverpool John Moores University. I’ve been assigned a project, were I have to re-create an object in the style of a chosen artist. I will be researching Banksy who specialises in Graffiti and installations. The object I have been designated is a light bulb. Part of the project is to really get into the mind of the artist and try to envision the world around me in the way that he would, this explains my abbreviated name (for the duration of the project also).
I’ve discovered that it’s quite difficult to re-create my object legally as he is renowned for putting work up in galleries without their permission and videoing unknowing people looking at the work, as well as graffiti which is completely out of the question. I have an idea for how I will overcome the graffiti obstacle although I was hoping that The Walker Art Gallery may be able to co-operate with me on my instillation idea.
I have done a painting of a light bulb in a contemporary style which I would like to be able to put up in the modern art section of The Walker Art Gallery. I do not wish for it to be there for a long time, but long enough for me to video a few people looking at it. The painting is 20cm X 20cm and I plan to fix it to the wall with blue tack. There will be some text which will accompany the painting, basically explaining it’s purpose , media and size, which will not contain an obscure materials.
The deadline for my project is the 26th of October and I would really like to be able to partake in this part of my research in the next week, so that I have enough time to check I have everything necessary for submission.
I would really appreciate it if you would consider my proposal and please get back to me with a decision as soon as you can so that I can consider other options if you decide not to collaborate.
Thank you very much for your time and I look forward to hearing from you soon
Sarah Broadfoot

proposal for Banksy Reasearch Project


When I was researching Banksy most of the information obtained was from the internet. I thought it would be suitable to do a website of my own documenting my research and showing videos and photographs of the work I’ve done. I intend to use the light bulb image as a symbol for “Ideas” or “Thoughts” I have about society and the general public. I will use humour as a tool for acknowledgement. I will place drawings done of my object around the city and in public places as Banksy would do, and take photographs and video the process.